Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Gender and Personhood
There's a lot being said about "gender" in modern discourse, on the news, and on social media. But very little of it is rooted in the truth. For Truth, you go to the Catholic Church! My special guest Fr. Peter Dugandzic, a priest and moral theologian for the Diocese of Rockville Center and I discuss what gender is, what it means, and why it's fundamental to the reality of human personhood.
Many people reduce gender to genitalia, or believe that gender is fluid and changeable. There is also the misconception that gender is "cookie cutter". A special problem in the Church is that many young Catholics are particularly ignorant of Church teaching on gender and are surprised to learn that Church teaching is opposed to modern gender theory/ideas. This lack of knowledge and abundance of misunderstanding and misinformation has to change. Gender is much more than genitalia, sex, or behavioral patterns. It's the power of our personhood! When ideas about gender are confused, the power of our personhood is disoriented or disabled. The current gender crisis is not new. It's the fruit of a cultural gender-disorientation that has been ongoing over the past 75 years.
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